How to Use Swedish Snuff Svenskt Snus

How to Use Swedish Snuff Svenskt Snus

How to use Swedish Snuff, Svenskt Snus[1]

Snus, Svenskt Snus, the Swedish word for snuff, is a smokeless tobacco product that’s easy to use and somewhat less messy than traditional snuff or dipping tobacco. It comes in a variety of flavors and sizes and is good for both the casual tobacco user and smokers hoping to cut back. Learn to use and enjoy the snuff packets with our wikiHow primer.

Buy a pack of loose snus. Snus comes in a few different varieties of strength, flavor and size. It’s probably best to start with a lower strength variety unless you’ve already got a considerable nicotine tolerance from other tobacco products.

  • Strength labels are Normal, Stark, & Extra Stark. Stark varieties contain, on average, 11 mg of nicotine per gram while Extra Stark may contain up to 22mg of nicotine per gram.
  • Snus also comes in three different sizes: Mini, Normal/Large (most common) and Maxi.
  • Several Snus brands come in lots of flavors, including mints and “robust” style natural flavors. They’re known for long-lasting flavors, so pick something you’ll like and know that it won’t be particularly subtle.
  • Administrate your snus, moist snuff, under your upper lip. 98% puts the snus under the upper lip but some few people also use the lower lip.
  • Many users claim that real Swedish “snus” is much higher quality and prefer the taste. If you want to get some, make sure you get the pouches, because sometimes regular snuff is labeled “snus” in Sweden.[1]

Take a pouch out of the box. When you buy a tin of Snus, it will contain several small pouches of the snuff. Remove one for your use.

  • Unlike regular snuff, you don’t have to shake the tin to “pack” the snuff or clump it. If you prefer, you can distribute the tobacco somewhat in the individual pouch with your fingers by squeezing the sachet a few times. Be gentle and don’t tear the packet, however, if you choose to.

Insert the packet between your lip and gums. Most Snus users elect to put the packet under their top lip on one side, but place it wherever it feels comfortable.

  • Some users will dry under the lip area for less saliva during use. If you want to, use your sleeve or a napkin to dry your under-upper lip area.
  • Some users with smaller mouths find it more comfortable to fold the packet in half (lengthwise or short wise) before packing it into their lip. Experiment some to fit it in comfortable for your mouth.

Don’t spit. Unlike to dip or snuff, using moist snuff och chewing tobacco, it’s not necessary to spit tobacco juice when dipping Snus, making it attractive to some users because it’s less messy and makes it unnecessary to carry around an empty water bottle or mud-cup with you. Swallow normally and keep the Snus in your mouth as long as you enjoy the taste and buzz. Most users keep a pack in for 20 minutes to an hour.

  • Snus is a variety of “wet snuff,” meaning that the substance in the pouch contains only about 30 percent tobacco and 70 percent water and flavoring. Because of the existence of salt and flavoring, it promotes less saliva than other smokeless tobaccos.
  • You should start to notice the familiar tobacco head buzz soon. If you’re an inexperienced tobacco user, you may start to feel a strong head-rush and some nausea, or even vomiting. This is a normal nicotine response. Spit out the packet if it starts nauseating you.
  • Always dispose of used snus in a trash can. Don’t litter by spitting it out elsewhere.

Store your Svenskt Snus is a cool and dry area. It’s common to keep tins of Snus in the refrigerator to keep the taste and quality fresh. It’ll last longer that way, and is commonly kept refrigerated in tobacco stores. Swedish snuff, Svenskt Snus, keeps it´s quality at least 20 weeks (loose snuff) and 14 weeks (portion snuff) kept refrigerated. 

[1] [How to use Swedish Snuff:]

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What is Svenskt Snus! What is Swedish snus? What is Snus? What is General snus?

Svenskt Snus is a moistened fine-grained smokeless tobacco added with salts and water. It´s often flavored by spices and has a clear and distinct tobacco taste. Svenskt Snus has been used for more than 500 years! In Sweden, Svenskt Snus is like an identity badge for the Swedes. More than 12.5% of the Swedish population use Svenskt Snus! Sweden has the lowest rate of lung cancer in the industrialized World. Very few Swedes smoke.

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FDA permits Swedish Match to advertise snus smokeless tobacco as less harmful than cigarettes