Tag Archives: Find GENERALSNUS

General snus General G.3 G.4

Kjøp billig snus hjem

General snus General G.3 G.4 General snus General G.3 G.4 General snus, for more than 150 years General snus has been the most famous Swedish snus brand. In 1866, J A Boman’s Generalsnus saw the light of day. It was a success that has lasted for over 150 years. From General loose, to Generalsnus portion […]

GENERAL SNUS Smokeless tobacco online!

General Snus

GENERAL SNUS Smokeless tobacco online! GENERAL SNUS Smokeless tobacco online! General, or General snus (before 1999), is a snuff brand manufactured by Swedish Match. General is Sweden’s most popular snus brand, 74 million cans of General snus in Sweden were sold in 2002. Snuff is marketed both as loose snuff and portion snuff. When the […]