Chew tobacco and Snus! Chew tobacco and Snus! While chewing tobacco has never to my knowledge been thought very socially suave, in our a part of the planet it’s only during the past forty years approximately that it’s come to be viewed with much opprobrium, at any rate among men. In my rather distant youth in Fort Worth—not precisely the fountainhead of national taste, but […]
Tag Archives: Kurbits snus
Kurbits Snus Snubie review! Buy Swedish Snus online! Kurbits Snus – Craft Snus for the USA! 18 November 2019. I couldn’t be more excited about this news, but today I found out that Kurbitssnus is available to the US! There’s a new store called that is shipping it to the US. This is pretty exciting because I reviewed […]
Kurbits Snus! Buy Kurbits snus online! Kurbits Snus! Buy Kurbits snus online! Directly from the heart of Sweden, a new star on the Swedish snusmarket, Kurbits, has launched Kurbits snus. Four different flavors in portion pouches with great strength will shorly enter our snus store SWEDISHPRODUCTS.ONLINE. The combination taste, strength and price is really awesome. […]