Swedish snus and Dip tobacco Blog from SWEDISHPRODUCTS.ONLINE
Where to buy Snus?
Where to buy Snus? Where to buy snus near me? Where to buy Swedish snus? Where to buy Ettan snus? Where to buy Jakobsson´s snus?
Where to buy Snus? Where to buy snus near me? Where to buy Swedish snus? Where to buy Ettan snus? Where to buy Jakobsson´s snus?
Are you looking for Swedish snus? Interested to try the Swedish viking´s most popular item? What´s the Viking´s most popular habit?Of course, Swedish snus! Swedish in traditional loose format will give you a real thrill! More than 500 years of experience and sold from the real snus expert´s at SWEDISHPRODUCTS.ONLINE you can be sure you will get the right stuff! If you prefer portion snus, more than 85% are in favor of portion snus vs loose snus, you will have more than 300 different snus items to choose from in our snus store!
We strive to form long-lasting relationships with our customers. A dedicated and 24/7 available customer service, of course, all snus users, the best prices for snus in the market, fast shipping worldwide by UPS, DHL and PostNord, secure payments by NETS include seller insurance for your safety, and always state of the art fresh, high quality products delivered. Those are the cornerstone´s in our snus store!

Where to buy Jakobsson´s snus? Buy Jakobsson´s snus online! Jakobsson´s snus near me? Where Jakobsson´s snus made? Where to buy Swedish snus?
Jakobsson’s snus is a relatively new brand that offers a wide range of products under Henrik Jakobsson’s snus company Gotlandssnus AB. The company was founded in 2002 and has since had time for many fantastic products that are popular around the world due to high quality and delicious taste from the Swedish-made Alida tobacco. Jakobsson´s snus are made in Sweden.
From Inspiration to Reality – the history of Jakobsson´s snus
It was with the help of his mentor Kent Sänd and his great-grandfather (a snus lover from 1800s Gotland) that Henrik Jakobsson founded Gotlandssnus AB in 2002. In 2003, the first Jakobsson product was introduced in Gotlandssnus’ range, Gotlandssnus Anis Lös. Gotlandssus’ other product, Julesnus, was a snus with a Christmas theme that was launched just in time for Christmas that year and distributed in 700 copies to local stores.
In 2005, Henrik decided to expand the business and moved the company to a larger facility in Roma, Gotland. The business was moved to an old sugar factory, where Henrik now had the opportunity to produce portion snus next to his popular loose snus. At the end of 2005, Gotlandssnus Fläder Portion, Gotlandssnus Anis Portion and Gotlandssnus Original Portion were manufactured in this new facility. Gotlandssnus also started using the local Alida tobacco in its products.
The year is 2008 and Gotlandssnus AB has debuted a new snus range that will be called Jakobsson’s snus. With four different types of products available, this range will be a tribute to Henrik’s great-grandfather Jakob and his passion for fine snus. This new brand received extremely good ratings internationally, and many retailers around the world began to offer Jakobsson snus in their range. The new brand became increasingly popular and grew with incredible speed, so another Gotlandssnus factory was built in 2009. When the new factory opened its doors, two nicotine-free products also began to be manufactured – Sprilla and Tobacco And Nicotine Free. The company continued to grow rapidly and Jakobsson’s Snus became increasingly popular, also in the American market where the brand began to be distributed to various retailers in the USA in 2010. Jakobsson’s Wintergreen Stark Portion was launched the same year, first in the USA, and later in Sweden. In 2011, Henrik was named Entrepreneur of the Year to celebrate the company’s fantastic success. In 2012, Gotlandssnus Sommar portion was introduced, a unique snus with a taste of Swedish strawberries. An agreement took shape in July of the same year, and the tobacco giant Swedish Match became a reseller for Jakobssons Snus in Sweden.
In 2013, Jakobsson’s Melon Mini Portion was launched, a mini format to complement the already popular Jakobsson’s Melon Stark. Shortly afterwards, Jakobsson’s Dynamit Extra Stark came into the picture, which has a smoky tobacco taste with a real nicotine kick (19mg nicotine per serving!).
Today, Gotlandssnus continues to grow under Henrik’s leadership, and the company has even received the very glorious Gazelle Award in Sweden for its growth and development. Gotlandssnus was the first company in Sweden to launch a snus with a taste of peach. Which shows both a feeling for what the customers are looking for and courage as this has never been done before. Shortly after this launch, Jakobsson also developed a new design for limited edition products. The new design will reflect the snus’s wonderful flavors, for example Jakobbson Blueberries and Vanilla have a creamy blue / white color on the can to indicate the delicacies of the contents.
Where to buy Ettan snus in the USA? Where to buy Ettan snus? Where to buy Swedish snus? Where to buy Ettan snus?
The history of Ettan snus! Become an expert of Ettan snus!
Ettan snus was founded in 1822 and is therefore one of the oldest snus brands that still exists on the market today (together with General). This is one of Sweden’s most beloved snus products that has a unique tobacco taste with hints of chocolate along with a smoky element – a recipe that has not changed since it was created. Ettan snus was created by a Swedish tobacco manufacturer named Jakob Fredrik Ljunglöf. During the early 1900s, Jakob collaborated with a famous chemist and friend, Jacob Berzelius, where together they succeeded in making snus by using fresh tobacco instead of fermented tobacco (which was usually used in snus at that time). By using salt, water, potassium and tobacco, the two friends discovered that instead of waiting for up to 6 months for the snus to ferment, it could now be produced in a week with this new production method. Ljunglöf first launched Ettan snus under the name “Ljunglöf’s No.1” in 1822. During the manufacture of Ettan snus, Ljunglöf used his newly developed manufacturing method which he wrote down in secret code and hid from the outside world. In the following years, Ljunglöf sold his snus locally and on a relatively small scale, but snus quickly became a popular brand among the local population.
In 1826, Ljunglöf took over a tobacco factory and within a couple of years had succeeded in turning the factory into a profitable business with high efficiency and, above all, high quality. At the end of the 1820s, Ljunglöf’s tobacco factory was the largest tobacco manufacturer in Sweden, and his No.1 snus was manufactured on a larger scale. No.1 also changed its name to “Ettan” to emphasize that it was Ljunglöf’s first product. When Ljunglöf passed away in 1860, he was one of Sweden’s richest men when he succeeded in creating a relatively large tobacco empire. The family business was then taken over by Ljunglöf’s son, Knut, who continued to expand and expand his father’s tobacco empire. Knut was called “Snus Kungen” by those who knew him and was known for testing the quality of snus by inhaling the aromas from a new batch of Ettan every morning. Through this process he could feel if the snus was on top. If he thought a sample was not good, the whole snus batch was thrown away. In today’s snus society, Ettan snus is now owned by the snus giant Swedish Match, and is one of their most successful and best-selling snus brands. According to some surveys, Ettan snus accounts for about one-fifth of all snus sales in Sweden. One snus is currently offered in three formats: original portion, white portion and loose. Swedish Match also sells “Ettan Kardus” during certain periods in a limited edition online, but is sold full time at the Tobacco and Match Museum in Stockholm. Ettan Kardus is simply the loose version of Ettan snus, although it has been packaged by hand, as it was packaged during Ljunglöf’s time. Each package of Ettan Kardus contains 250 grams of snus.
Thunder snus where to buy? Where to buy Thunder snus? Where to buy Swedish snus? Where to buy Ettan snus?
Thunder is a snus series that consists of four different variants; Portion, Loose, White and White Dry. These come in a varied range of flavors in different strengths. The series is created by the well-known and well-established snus manufacturer V2 Tobacco. The types of snus included in this range are stronger than average, but there is a large amount to choose from and you can thus find a strength that suits you. The range ranges from snus that is slightly stronger than average, to snus that is significantly stronger and more powerful. It is precisely the snuff of the snus that characterizes this series. It has an extra high nicotine content, but even when it comes to taste, Thunder is a more powerful snus than many of its competitors. It is made of fine tobacco leaves that are significantly larger than the leaves used for other snus brands. This results in a nicotine content that, depending on the type of Thunder snus you choose, is higher than what you are used to finding in a can. In other words, this is an excellent choice for those snus users who prefer a snus with strength in it, which differs from the amount in both taste and effect. The four varieties of the Thunder series offer several choices. Portion is portion snus, which means that it comes pre-portioned in small bags. Loose is about loose snus, which is packaged in loose form that you can squeeze together into a ball that you put under your lip. White is a type of portion snus that differs from regular portions in that the bags in which this snus is packaged are not wet. This means, among other things, that it does not have the same tendency as other snus to run a lot in the mouth, as this snus is drier. The fact that the snus does not flow as much means that White does not stain your teeth in the same way. If you are extra careful that your teeth are white, White is therefore a good choice. White Dry has the same properties as White snus, with the difference that it is even drier and thus flows even less. White and White Dry are well suited for those snus users who want to be able to offer a big smile – which you are happy to do with a good snus under the lip.
These different varieties of snus come in a variety of flavors. An example is the so-called NRG taste. This taste is, as the name suggests, very reminiscent of the taste of energy drinks. It comes in the variants Portion and White Dry. In addition, there is snus with good and powerful flavors of mint and menthol, snus with a sweet mint taste, snus with a taste of the plant evergreen, snus with a melon taste, snus with hints of citrus, snus with cinnamon and cardamom taste, snus with a taste of green mint, and snus with the classic snus and tobacco taste, and so on. In other words, there is snus for many different preferences, and these also come in a diverse selection of Portion, Loose, White and White Dry, as well as in many different strengths. For those of you who like strong snus with a powerful taste, the chances are high that you will find something in the Thunder series that suits you like a glove! You already know that the Thunder series is stronger than average and has a significantly higher nicotine content. Their nicotine levels range from 11.7 to 45 mg / g, with different concentrations in between. It should be pointed out here that the majority of snus has a nicotine content of around 8.5 mg / g, so even the weakest types of snus in the Thunder series are in other words stronger than average. Thunder snus is therefore an excellent choice for you who like a stronger snus with more power in it, and in addition the range of flavors and strengths is so wide that you can easily find the perfect can for you. Whether you prefer super strong snus or something whose strength is only slightly above the average level, you should without a doubt be able to find a snus that suits you perfectly. Here at SWEDISHPRODUCTS.ONLINE you will find most varieties of snus that are included in the Thunder series. In our range, you will thus find a large number of different strengths, powerful flavors and types of snus. For more information on this, just take a closer look in the Thunder section of our range, and by clicking on each snus variety, you can get a more detailed picture of what they contain. For us, it is a real pleasure to be able to provide you with this good, different and powerful type of snus!
Where to buy Siberia Snus?
Buy snus worldwide! Snus is good for public health. Where to buy Swedish snus? Where to buy Ettan snus?
Snus is good for public health and can even protect against certain diseases, according to a new report. But snus is far from risk-free, says chief physician Gunilla Bolinder. – There is nothing that is completely harmless. The question is just how dangerous it is, she says.
Snus is made in several countries, but nowhere to the same extent as in Sweden. Here, 25 percent of men and 4 percent of women use snus. The average consumption is about a third of a can a day. But it is highly addictive. There are large consumers who even sleep with a prill under the lip. The risks have been debated for decades. A new report from the so-called Snus Commission reviews the state of research regarding snus’ health risks. Reduces the risk of MS Point by point, it is stated that there is no evidence that it would be dangerous to use snus. This applies to everything from stroke and atrial fibrillation to tooth loss. According to the report, snus can even reduce the risk of the neurological diseases multiple sclerosis, MS, and Alzheimer’s. The snus commission is financed by the Swedish snus manufacturers’ association, an interest organization which in turn consists of the snus manufacturers Swedish Match, Gotlandssnus and Skruf.
The commission includes doctor Anders Milton, former chairman of the Swedish Medical Association, and tobacco researcher Karl Olov Fagerström. “Everything better than smoking” The excellence of snus as a smoking cessation agent is highlighted in several places in the report. – It is clear that it is not completely harmless. It is absolutely not a health product. For example, pregnant women should not use nicotine at all, not even in the form of nicotine patches, says Karl Olov Fagerström. – When it comes to tobacco, it is about first stopping the use of cigarettes. Only then may you be able to take the next step. Gunilla Bolinder, chief physician at Karolinska Hospital, is sharply critical of the fact that snus is often emphasized as a risk-free method of quitting smoking. – From the tobacco industry’s point of view, snus is constantly compared to smoking, which is among the worst that has been invented. It’s obviously better than smoking, everything is better than smoking. – But we also know that snus, for example, entails an increased risk for pregnant women to suffer from pregnancy poisoning. It also has a vasoconstrictive effect, which increases the risk of sudden infant death syndrome. It’s not very common, but it does occur. Gunilla Bolinder recently made a similar compilation of the research situation – a compilation that gives a partly different picture of the risks of snus.
The research about Snus effects – according to the Snus Commission
- Snus probably reduces the risk of the nerve disease multiple sclerosis, MS. Some research also suggests that nicotine reduces the risk of dementia Alzheimer’s.
- There is no connection between snus and the risk of stroke, atrial fibrillation, caries, tooth loss, atherosclerosis, heart attack, lung cancer. The same applies to cancer of the oral cavity and throat, although the research situation there is more uncertain.
- Snus during pregnancy increases the risk of premature birth and cleft palate. Nicotine also affects brain development.
- The risk of suffering a heart attack is not affected by snus, but if you do, the effect can be worse for snus users.
- There is a certain connection between snus and the risk of heart failure and metabolic syndrome.
- The situation is uncertain regarding the risk of diabetes. Can not be ruled out, but more research is needed. The same applies to pancreatic cancer, where research has shown a possible connection.
- There is a link between snus and the risk of developing cancer of the stomach and esophagus.
- The nicotine in snus raises blood pressure and heart rate. Snus therefore counteracts blood pressure lowering medications.
- Metabolism is increased through an increased secretion of adrenaline and other stress hormones.
- In a heart attack, the risk of dying is greater for snus users than for those who do not use tobacco at all.
- Snus impairs the ability of blood vessels to dilate. The deterioration is sharp: it is almost a halving. Snus is therefore particularly unsuitable for people with angina or people who are easily affected by white fingers in the cold.
- Snus increases the risk of developing age-related diabetes. And diabetics who use snus are at extra high risk of suffering from cardiovascular disease.
- Snus damages the gums that pull up on the gum and exposes the root, with discoloration, caries attacks and irritation as a result.
- Snus use during pregnancy exposes the baby to the same levels of nicotine as the mother. The nicotine in snus can also be transferred to the baby through breast milk. Snus increases the risk of pregnancy poisoning and the risk of premature birth.