Tag Archives: quitassist

What is snuff?

What is snuff?

What is snuff? What is snuff? Snuff: a compelling harm reduction alternative to cigarettes! Snuff is an oral smokeless tobacco product which is usually placed behind the upper lip, either in a loose form or in portioned sachets, and is primarily used in Sweden and Norway. Snuff is a moistened fine-grained tobacco added with water […]

Quitassist KickUp dip!

Quitassist KickUp dip!

Quitassist KickUp dip! Quitassist KickUp dip! KickUp Snus! At SWEDISHPRODUCTS.ONLINE we sell a wide and varied assortment of tobacco free and nicotine free pouches. We sell brands such as KickUp, Qvitt and Onico. All very popular dip alternatives for those that don´t want tobacco or nicotine. We also sell tobacco snus and nicotine pouches. All our […]