Chew tobacco brands for sale!

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Chew tobacco brands for sale online!

Chew tobacco brands for sale online!

At SWEDISHPRODUCTS.ONLINE you can buy all known Swedish snus brands such as General, Ettan, Grov, SKRUF, Siberia, Göteborgs Rapé, Lundgrens, G.3., XR, Catch, Granit, Knox, but also many new lesser-known snus brands like 24K, Kurbits, NIXS and more. We also sell all Swedish-produced nicotine bags from ZYN, LYFT, Nordic Spirit, SKRUF

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The price of our snus varies between $2-3 per can.

Usually, it takes 3-4 days from order to delivery at your door by UPS. When your shipping label is created you will get an e-mail from UPS with your tracking number. All payments are carried out by Paypal and include seller insurance for your safety.

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Swedish Match’s traditional snus brand General celebrated a hundred and fifty years in 2016. Although Ettan came before, the General snus logo is for many human beings synonymous with the Swedish snus tradition.

But what precisely is related to snuff? Maybe you believe you studied of the man status and screaming at the soccer fan, or the ragger who wipes the snuff on his jeans. Probably it is not the gourmand who seeks new tasting stories and hangs at the latest way of life tendencies that first appear on the retina. But Swedish Match desires to exchange that with General.

Already in 2012, they opened the first natural snus shop inside the world, a stone’s throw from stylish Stureplan in Stockholm. It gives factory-fresh pills, freshly brewed coffee, and the opportunity to move for a snack. Two years ago, the new status snuff General Kardus Selection turned into presented, which became sold handiest in a restrained edition. As for a unique vintage wine or whiskey, it became a hanging asset, no matter a well-priced charge tag of SEK 800 in step with box.

Last year, the unique snus became made in collaboration with Magnus Nilsson, the award-winning chef at the best pub Fäviken Magasinet. The packaging was handmade from tin and price around one thousand SEK.
– Since we live, devour and sleep snus, we had to check that Magnus cultivated, manufactured, and served his very own snus at Fäviken Magasinet for multiple years. Magnus is a completely unique writer in flavors and raw materials with the purpose of making world-class leisure reports for his guests, brand supervisor Carl Egeberg advised us then.

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Together with the Swedish whiskey brand Mackmyra, a brand new General snus is launched which targets a discerning audience. How is the company really working to further develop the unique brand? – General is a brand that has so much inheritance in itself. It is more or less a cultural heritage that very many people have a reference to what it stands for. From the beginning, you are afraid to change too much in such a brand, says Carl Egeberg, who has been in charge of General snus for 6.5 years. He has really noticed that many have a relationship with the black snuff boxes with the silvery text. – General snus is extremely loyal and has been for generations. If a little thing changes on the box or in the character you will hear it, and not a few hear it either. You are often reminded of what it is you control. But despite the obvious risk of passively sitting still in the boat and not doing anything for fear of upsetting the fans, he has tested new ways. Most recently through the collaboration with Mackmyra – Even if you have very loyal consumers who are conservative, you still have to dare to change things and drive them into our time. You may make quite small changes but more often. The usual General snuff has had the same recipe for 150 years – you can’t go in and fiddle with it. But with new launches, you can be much bolder, says Carl Egeberg. His role has primarily been about studying contemporary trends and seeing what opportunities there are for snus to play a role. The key is to find partners where that collaboration feels natural. – We do not shoehorn in with anyone, but we do things with people and brands that can contribute something to us and vice versa. You can’t just put a name on a box. We really want input from other industries and contexts. While there are great opportunities, there are also many limitations. Snus is an addictive tobacco product and as such, it is not possible to market itself anyway. The brand manager certifies that it has never been the intention to attract anyone other than those who already sniff. – We are very keen not to do anything to challenge the rules. We like to have both braces and straps when we do something, says Carl Egeberg.

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But how do you do to change the General’s image? – It’s about showing that there is a lot of craftsmanship and knowledge behind a snuff box, just like with a bottle of wine or beer. Check for example the microbrewery trend, or that the wine segment that is increasing the most in sales is around SEK 149. There is the same interest in snuff, and people are looking for enjoyment and connoisseurship. There is the general snus who will take the leader stick inside. Have you been affected by all the low-price snus that has come in recent years? – No, we have not been affected at all. But now there is an even bigger difference. General snus will always be General snus, and it is not a low price brand but premium. For us, it is important to do what we believe in and to maintain the strength of the brand.


Chew tobacco brands for sale online!

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