Big League Chew! Why do baseball players spit so much?

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Big League Chew! Why do baseball players spit so much?

Big League Chew! Why do baseball players spit so much?

Of course. It varies. Some guys chew tobacco, some guys chew gum and some guys chew seeds, some guys chew a mix of all of them or two of the ingredients.

The reasons guys chew are also varied, but basically boil down to the following.

There is a lot of waiting in baseball, which two guys on the bench or the bullpen, can never be allowed to become boring. Because, if you are called upon, you must be ready to perform at a skill level matched by only 750 people on earth IMMEDIATELY. So these guys chew for the pastime aspect.

It could be that is an old practice that became popular a while ago in the big leagues then people kept trying to be like major leaguers and got hooked and so on and so forth

For guys who are in the starting lineup, their adrenaline level is already sky high, so they have to manage that. Part of that management is what to do with the excess of spit that forms in high-adrenaline situations coupled with fear causing dry-mouth.

And guys get scared: they’re scared of failure, mostly, but occasionally there is a basic fear of someone throwing 100 MPH within inches of their vital parts, or there’s a fear of injury, usually right after a collision.

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And there are occasionally some guys who need a little help getting ramped up sufficiently, because maybe they were out a little too late or they got into town at 4:00 am… Coffee is the drug of choice these days, since amphetamines are no longer permitted. Ritalin is also over-represented among modern baseball players. But some guys chew a little nicotine for the steady little boost that gives.

And some guys do it because it looks cool. At least to them. When they were kids, and they saw their hero with a wad of something in his cheek, they grew up wanting to do the same thing. Doubt that premise? Watch a film of the Little League World Series. A few years ago, when my nephew’s team was in the finals, every kid stuck his rear hand up to the ump just like Derek Jeter.

For that same reason, kids will chew…something. And baseball players are really just big kids. Really coordinated, amazingly biomechanically efficient big kids.

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